Friday, March 5, 2010

Story Script 1

    I believe that this generation is the laziest. However, we are also the fastest. We are constantly creating new shortcuts to make life quick and easy. With all the advancements in technology, I can get almost everything I need delivered to me quickly via Internet and/or mail. I can do this simply with a click of a button. Because of this, technology has really shaped my life.
       I am one of the four daughters my parents had. My close family consists of ten people: my mom, my three sisters, my aunt, my uncle, and their three kids. My aunt, uncle, and cousins were the only family I saw or had any communication with. When my aunt and her family lived in the US, we would have Thanks Giving at my house then Christmas at their's, or vise versa. Ethnicity wise, I am both black and white. All of my family on my dad's side are Jamaican. My mom's side is mostly Jamaican, but her father was German and British
       I belong to a middle class family. We don't have enough money for a lot of luxuries, but we have enough. I love writing short stories and listening to international music. I mostly listen to Japanese and Korean music. I love reading books with a lot of suspense and/or tragedy. Stories with happy endings bore me. Almost all of the books and stories I've read, I read them online. I'm not very athletic, and I dislike playing almost every sport.
       I have a few abilities. I consider writing as one of my talents. When it comes to my stories, I am a very detailed writer. As technology is becoming more and more advanced, I'm starting to post many of my stories online. One of my hobbies other than writing is cooking. I also consider it as another talent of mine. Instead of wasting time looking through a cook book like I used to do, I now search for recipes via Internet. I also watch videos on how to make it too, so I know what I'm doing. I cook all the time at home and I really enjoy it. 
       I belong to very few social groups. I, currently, belong to the Japanese Club and Model UN. I'm currently not in a special group. However, this summer I'll planing to volunteer at a hospital and/or animal shelter. I care about many issues. In particularly, animal abuse, global warming, and cures for different cancers and birth defects.
       I have many plans for my future. I plan to fly to Japan, see the sights, and explore the culture. By then I should be able to speak Japanese. I plan to go to college majoring in medicine and becoming a pediatrician. After a few years of working, I want to go to poorer countries to provide cheap or even free health care.


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